A.k.a. Dan Martin Big Uncle D Dan Martin (3) Stanley Yershinowski
The dormouse is a rodent of the family Gliridae (this family is also variously called Myoxidae or Muscardinidae by different taxonomists). Dormice are mostly found in Europe, although some live in Africa and Asia. They are particularly known for their long periods of hibernation. Because only one species of dormouse is native to the British Isles, in everyday English usage, "dormouse" can refer either to that one species (the hazel dormouse) or to the family as a whole.
Track list and 30sec audio provided by
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
Breakcore Beefcakes | Doormouse & Otto Von Schirach | 2018 | Single |
Live At WMSE - April 01, 2002 | Doormouse | 2015 | Single |
Live At Gangsta Bass Tour | Doormouse | 2009 | Single |
100% Wisconsin Cheese | Doormouse | 2008 | Album |
Live at WTW 07 | Doormouse | 2008 | Single |
I'm A Hoe | Doormouse | 2007 | Album |
Distort 10 | Doormouse | 2006 | Album |
Hard Drive Clearance Sale | Doormouse | 2006 | Compil. |
I ♥ Kraftwerk | Doormouse | 2006 | Album |
Ghosts | Doormouse & Abelcain | 2006 | Album |
I ♥ Everything | Doormouse | 2006 | Album |
Stanley Yershinowski Presents... Xylophone Jism As The Ridiculator | Doormouse | 2005 | Album |
Fractured Hearts | Doormouse | 2005 | Album |
Distort 9 | Doormouse | 2005 | Album |
Return Of The Gung Gung | Doormouse | 2005 | Album |
Major Changes | Doormouse | 2005 | Album |
The Black Heart Machine E.P. | Doormouse | 2005 | Album |
I ♥ Polka | Doormouse | 2005 | Album |
Distort 8 | Doormouse | 2004 | Album |
I ♥ Metal | Doormouse | 2004 | Album |
I ♥ Country | Doormouse | 2004 | Album |
I ♥ Rap | Doormouse | 2004 | Album |
Distort 7 | Doormouse | 2004 | Album |
Skelechairs | Doormouse And Venetian Snares | 2004 | Album |
Broken E.P. (One) | Doormouse | 2003 | Album |
Broken E.P. (Two) | Doormouse | 2003 | Album |
Freaked Out Mess | Doormouse | 2003 | Album |
Messed Out Freak | Doormouse | 2003 | Album |
Say, Is That A Pickle In Your Pocket? | Doormouse / Subjex | 2003 | Album |
Night On Earth #03 | Doormouse / TZii | 2003 | Single |
The Method Volume One: The Streets Of Miami / Freaked Out Mess | Doormouse | 2003 | Album |
The Album? | Doormouse | 2002 | Album |
Broken | Doormouse | 2002 | Album |
Zod 06 | Brodie Guy / Doormouse | 2002 | Album |
Freaked Out Mess | Doormouse | 2002 | Album |
2002 Tour Disc | Doormouse | 2002 | Album |
Unibomber Ate A Donkey Dick E.P. | Doormouse | 2001 | Album |
Mama Didn't Raise No Punk, I Made Myself One EP | Doormouse | 2001 | Album |
Distort 4 | Unibomber / Doormouse | 1999 | Album |
Distort 3 | Doormouse & Unibomber | 1999 | Album |
Distort 2 | Unibomber + Doormouse | 1998 | Album |
Distort 1 | Doormouse / Unibomber | 1998 | Album |
Inside Out Liver Meat Balloon | Doormouse | 1998 | Album |
Digitalhut - Noisecore Volume 1 | Doormouse | 1998 | Compil. |
Your Drugged Future | Doormouse | 1998 | Album |
Body Partz | Joey Jupiter / Doormouse | 1997 | Album |
414 Tracks | Doormouse | 1996 | Album |