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Dr. Faustus

of Hip-Hop/Rap
A.k.a. Björn Dörpholz Blokka D Blokkmonsta Crack B Dämon U-Bahnmörder

Incognito rapper alias (without shouting voice) of Blokkmonsta. The video clips and covers show another person (Dennis), you can see this character on the pictures here. "Dr. Faustus" allegedly spent six years in prison for holdup murder when he was 20 years old, which is also just a gimmick.


Title Artist Year Type
2 Chirurgen Drehen Durch 2Dr. Faustus & Dr. Jekyll2019Album
2 Chirurgen Drehen DurchDr. Faustus & Dr. Jekyll2019Single
Solange Die Sonne ScheintRäuber Rob & Dr. Faustus2009Single
13Räuber Rob & Dr. Faustus2009Album
Auf Die Harte TourDr. Faustus & SDBY2009Album
Dr. FaustusDr. Faustus2008Album
Hirntot EliteBlokkmonsta, Uzi, Dr. Faustus & Dr. Jekyll2007Single
2 Chirurgen Drehen Durch 1Dr. Faustus & Dr. Jekyll2007Album
Untergrund GeschäfteSchlafwandler, Dr. Faustus, Uzi & Dr. Jekyll2006Single
Rapper Machen StressDr. Faustus & Onkel Size2006Single
Dr. JekyllDr. Jekyll & Dr. Faustus2006Single
Gesichter Des TodesDr. Faustus2006Album
13. FreitagBlokkmonsta, Uzi & Dr. Faustus2006Single
Wir Lieben KinderBlokkmonsta, Uzi & Dr. Faustus2005Single
LeichenteppichOnkel Size & Dr. FaustusSingle
Gesichter Des Todes PromoDr. FaustusSingle
Kennt Ihr ...Freddy Krüger, Blokkmonsta, Uzi & Dr. FaustusSingle
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