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Album Cover
E.C Illa
Power Moves

Album US 1997 on Cargo Records label
Hip-Hop/Rap (Hardcore Hip-Hop, Conscious)

Pre-Production done at The Illa Lab.

PortraitE.C Illa , US
engineer, assistant, executive-producer, mixed by, producer, written by, album by
PortraitIll State Assassins ,
PortraitScott Good ,
PortraitPNS ,
PortraitDJ Boogie-Boy ,
PortraitRhymefest , *1977
written by, rap, uncredited
PortraitLegendary Traxster , US
written by, rap, uncredited
PortraitDevine ,
written by, rap, uncredited
PortraitToxic voc,
written by, rap, uncredited
PortraitDonnie Simpson voc,
PortraitCayex ,
written by, rap, uncredited
Phil Hammel art direction, layout
Robert Ramundo art direction, layout, photography by
Illa Graffix design
Gregg Pemberton engineer, mixed by
Dane Roewade mastered by
E.C Illa co-producer
Legendary Traxster producer
Kay-Tone co-producer
Panik co-producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Power MovesE.C Illa
2To The BreakE.C Illa
3Old School TacticsE.C IllaRhymefest
424 Hours A DayE.C Illa
5Makin' HistoryE.C IllaLegendary Traxster
6Originality's The KeyE.C IllaDevine, Toxic
7Ill State Of Affairs (Ain't No One Down)E.C Illa
8What I LikeE.C Illa
9The Game You ClaimE.C IllaLegendary Traxster
10Hustlers PartyE.C Illa
11Thru The Pain And StrifeE.C Illa
12It Has Just BegunE.C IllaCayex
13Beats, StylesE.C Illa
14You Don't WannaE.C Illa
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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