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Album Cover
Eero Koivistoinen
For Children

Album FI 1970 on Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava label
Jazz (Free Jazz, Jazz-Rock, Modal)

Recording: Finnvox, Helsinki

PortraitEero Koivistoinen ts, ss, *1946 FI
composed by, arranged by, soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone, album by
PortraitPekka Sarmanto b, cb, *1945 FI
PortraitEsko Rosnell dr, perc, 1943-2009 FI
PortraitJukka Tolonen g, p, *1952 FI
PortraitOtto Berger g, *1941 AT
PortraitDon Bane g, eg,
piano, electric piano
PortraitEero Ojanen p, *1943 FI
piano, electric piano
PortraitPentti Hietanen p,
piano, electric piano
PortraitMike Koskinen tr, *1945 FI
Antti Joki engineer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Five Blue TonesEero Koivistoinen
2For Children IEero Koivistoinen
3For Children IIEero Koivistoinen
4For Children IIIEero Koivistoinen
5Bitter-SweetEero Koivistoinen
6Folk SongEero Koivistoinen
7Boots & RootsEero Koivistoinen
8Roots & BootsEero Koivistoinen
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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