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Album Cover
Ego Likeness
The Compass EPs

Compil. US 2016 on Metropolis label
Electronic (Darkwave)

The Compass EPs is a collection of four limited EPs, South, West, North, & East and 3 songs from the Lowest Place On Earth single.

PortraitEgo Likeness , *1999 US
album by
Mike K Johnson
drums, live drums
drums, guitar, live guitar
PortraitSteven Archer ,
synthesizer, drum programming, guitar, written by, mixed by
PortraitDonna Lynch , US
vocals, lyrics by, written by
Dan Clark mastered by, mixed by
Doug Milton mastered by
Kyle Cassidy photography by
Angelspit remix
E.A. Rowe remix
Hypofixx remix
Hopeful Machines remix
Anathema Device remix
The Machine In The Garden remix
Komor Kommando remix
The Dark Clan remix
ThouShaltNot remix
Terrorfakt remix
Bella Morte remix
Rick Burnett remix
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1SouthEgo Likeness
2SouthEgo Likeness4:35
3Second Skin (2007)Ego Likeness5:09
4Burn Witch Burn (Angelspit Remix)Ego Likeness4:55
5Aviary (E.A. Rowe Remix)Ego Likeness3:44
6Funny Olde WorldEgo Likeness4:29
7WestEgo Likeness
8Sirens And SatelitesEgo Likeness5:31
9I Live On What's Left (2008)Ego Likeness3:33
10Burn Witch Burn (Hypofixx Remix)Ego Likeness8:22
11The Egg Of The Mother (2002 Original Version Of Save Your Serpent)Ego Likeness4:47
12Severine (Sidhe Mix By Hopeful Machines)Ego Likeness4:29
13NorthEgo Likeness
14NorthEgo Likeness3:42
15The Never Ending Story (The Dark Clan)Ego LikenessGiorgio Moroder, Keith Forsey4:15
16Weave (Anathema Device Remix)Ego Likeness4:45
17Raise Your Red Flags (The Machine In The Garden Remix)Ego Likeness4:43
18Down By The WaterEgo LikenessPJ Harvey3:25
19EastEgo Likeness
20-geistEgo Likeness4:24
21Persona Non GrataEgo Likeness4:58
22Tea In The SaharaEgo LikenessSting3:51
23The Devil's In The Chemicals (Sin Mix by Angelspit)Ego Likeness4:27
24Inferno (Hotter Than Hell Remix By Komor Kommando)Ego Likeness5:05
25I'm Not Maryanne (Mokmi Remix By The Dark Clan)Ego Likeness6:28
26Severine (Floodland Remix By ThouShaltNot)Ego Likeness3:25
27The Devil's In The Chemicals (Remix By Terrorfakt)Ego Likeness4:58
28Inferno (Donna The Dead Remix By Bella Morte)Ego Likeness4:48
29Severine (RB Mix By Rick Burnett)Ego Likeness4:30
30The Lowest Place On EarthEgo Likeness
31The Lowest Place On EarthEgo Likeness4:51
32I'm Not MaryanneEgo Likeness4:37
33Oceans And BridgesEgo Likeness5:05
External Links
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