Jacques Offenbach: Schöne Nacht, du Liebesnacht on Niemand liebt dich so wie ich by Various Artists The Tales of Hoffmann, Act II: Barcarole - "Schöne Nacht, du Liebesnacht" on 100 Must-Have Wedding Masterpieces by Various Artists Orpheus in the Underworld, Act II: Galop to the Hell ("Can-Can") on The History of Operetta by Various Artists Die schöne Helena, Act I: "Reise nach Kreta" on Galakonzert Der Operette by Various Artists Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 1: Scene 1: Weia! Waga! Woge, du Welle! (Rhinemaidens) on Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner, Jerome Hines, Regina Resnik, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra & Rudolf Kempe Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 1: Scene 1: Garstig glatter glitschiger Glimmer! (Alberich, Rhinemaidens) on Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner, Jerome Hines, Regina Resnik, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra & Rudolf Kempe Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 1: Scene 1: Der Welt Erbe gewänn' ich zu eigen durch dich? (Alberich, Rhinemaidens) on Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner, Jerome Hines, Regina Resnik, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra & Rudolf Kempe Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 1: Scene 1: Lugt, Schwestern! Die Weckerin lacht in den Grund (Rhinemaidens, Alberich) on Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner, Jerome Hines, Regina Resnik, Bayreuth Festival Orchestra & Rudolf Kempe Die Fledermaus, IJS 481: Ich lade gern mir Gäste ein on Strauss: Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss II, Robert Stolz, Rudolf Schock, Wilma Lipp, Walter Berry & Renate Holm Orpheus in the Underworld, Act I: Couplet of the Gods on The History of Operetta by Various Artists
Alban Berg - Anneliese Rothenberger, Elisabeth Steiner, Kerstin Meyer, Toni Blankenheim, Erwin Wohlfahrt, Gerhard Unger, Kim Borg, Benno Kusche, Das Philharmonische Staatsorchester, Leopold Ludwig
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.