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Album Cover
Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash
The Million Dollar Quartet

Compil. US 1999 on Dressed To Kill label
Rock, Pop, Folk, World and (Gospel, Rock’n’Roll, Country)

PortraitElvis Presley g, voc, 1935-1977 US
album by
PortraitCarl Perkins g, voc, 1932-1998 US
album by
PortraitJerry Lee Lewis p, voc, *1935 US
album by
PortraitJohnny Cash voc, g, 1932-2003 US
album by
PortraitElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins ,
performer on track
George & Pete artwork
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1At The End Of The RoadElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
2Jerry's BoogieElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
3That's My DesireElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
4Don't Be CruelElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
5Soft And TenderlyElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
6You Belong To My HeartElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
7Walk That Lonesome ValleyElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
8I Shall Not Be MovedElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
9Summertime Has Passed And GoneElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
10I Hear A Sweet Voice CallingElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
11ParalysedElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
12Keeper Of The KeyElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
13There's No Place Like HomeElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
14Rip It UpElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
15Crazy ArmsElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
16Is It So StrangeElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
17Don't Forbid MeElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
18When The Saints Go Marching InElvis Presley , Jerry Lee Lewis , Carl Perkins
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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