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Album Cover
Elvis Presley
Adios Lincoln

Compil. 2014 on Straight Arrow label
Rock, Pop and Soundtrack (Ballad, Rock’n’Roll)

Live Audience Recording June 20, 1977 Evening Show

PortraitElvis Presley g, voc, 1935-1977 US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Also Sprach ZarathustraElvis Presley0:38
2See See RiderElvis Presley5:39
3I Got A Woman / AmenElvis Presley7:00
4Love MeElvis Presley3:04
5If You Love Me (Let Me Know)Elvis Presley2:58
6You Gave Me A MountainElvis Presley3:37
7Jailhouse RockElvis Presley2:29
8O Sole Mio (Sherrill Nielsen) / It's Now Or NeverElvis Presley5:00
9Love Me TenderElvis Presley2:22
10Little SisterElvis Presley1:55
11Teddy Bear / Don't Be CruelElvis Presley2:24
12Help MeElvis Presley3:53
13Unchained MelodyElvis Presley3:53
14Introduction Of Vocalists, Musicians ContinuesElvis Presley1:26
15Walk That Lonesome Road (J. D. Sumner And The Stamps)Elvis Presley2:31
16Introduction Of Vocalists, Musicians ContinuesElvis Presley1:55
17Early Mornin' RainElvis Presley1:55
18What'd I SayElvis Presley0:48
19Johnny B. GoodeElvis Presley0:54
20Drum Solo (Ronnie Tutt)Elvis Presley2:37
21Bass Solo (Blues, Jerry Scheff)Elvis Presley1:53
22Piano Solo (Tony Brown)Elvis Presley1:10
23I Really Don't Want To KnowElvis Presley1:29
24Electric Piano Solo (Bobby Ogden)Elvis Presley1:48
25Jazzing In Vegas (Joe Guercio Orchestra)Elvis Presley1:10
26HurtElvis Presley2:03
27Hound DogElvis Presley2:11
28Can't Help Falling In LoveElvis Presley1:42
29Closing Vamp / AnnouncementsElvis Presley1:15
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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