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Album Cover
Elvis Presley
Walkin' Talkin' Glitz City Blues

Compil. 2014 on Straight Arrow label
Rock, Pop and Soundtrack (Ballad, Rock’n’Roll)

August 23, 1972 - Dinner Show Live Audience Recording * spliced with August 23, 1972 MS version ** recorded on August 23, 1972 MS *** spliced with August 22, 1972 MS version

PortraitElvis Presley g, voc, 1935-1977 US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Also Sprach ZarathustraElvis Presley1:13
2C. C. RiderElvis Presley2:57
3Johnny B. GoodeElvis Presley1:44
4Until It's Time For You To GoElvis Presley2:36
5You Don't Have To Say You Love MeElvis Presley2:06
6You've Lost That Lovin' FeelingElvis Presley4:50
7Polk Salad AnnieElvis Presley3:19
8Instrumental Intermezzo / MonologueElvis Presley2:03
9What Now My LoveElvis Presley3:15
10FeverElvis Presley3:02
11Love MeElvis Presley1:36
12Blue Suede ShoesElvis Presley1:07
13Heartbreak HotelElvis Presley1:57
14Little Sister / Get BackElvis Presley1:58
15All Shook UpElvis Presley1:04
16Love Me TenderElvis Presley2:12
17Hound DogElvis Presley1:55
18I'll Remember YouElvis Presley3:04
19Walk That Lonesome Road (J. D. Sumner and The Stamps)Elvis Presley3:08
20Suspicious MindsElvis Presley4:52
21Introductions Of Singers, Musicians, OrchestraElvis Presley1:10
22Introduction Of Journalist / Reviewer Joe DelaneyElvis Presley0:31
23My Way*Elvis Presley3:49
24A Big Hunk O' Love**Elvis Presley2:06
25Mystery Train*** / Tiger Man**Elvis Presley2:23
26Can't Help Falling In Love**Elvis Presley1:44
27Closing Vamp**Elvis Presley0:38
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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