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Album Cover
Emil Dimitrov
Песен за моята майка

Album BG 1965 on Балкантон label
Rock and Pop (Beat)

Album name and credits as stated on artist's official website. Track timings as played on Technics SL-5 Album name english translation is "A Song To My Mother" A4 "Music By" and "Arranged By" incorrectly stated as "Beatles" A5 "Music By" incorrectly stated as "Peppino Di Capri" A7 "Music By" incorrectly stated as "Richard Anthony" B5 "Music By" incorrectly stated as "Beatles" The proper translations of track titles are as follows: A1: Love, Love (Amor Amor) A2: Asking For A Dance A3: A Song To My Mother A4: Rock And Roll (Rock And Roll Music) A5: You Left In September (Melancholy In September) A6: A Lesson On Quinine (I Should Have Known Better) A7: Cin Cin B1: If We Meet Someday As Strangers B2: Tomorrow You Are Getting Married (Demain Tu Te Maries) B3: The House Of The Rising Sun B4: Give Me Another Kiss (I Can't Say Goodbye) B5: The Happy Shake (The Hippy Hippy Shake) B6: Farewell B7: Along The South Coast

PortraitEmil Dimitrov voc, 1940-2005 BG
conductor, lyrics by, album by, music by
PortraitOrchestra Balkanton ,
PortraitСиньо-белите , BG
PortraitДимитър Ганев cl, sax,
Васил Андреев
lyrics by
Владимир Башев
lyrics by
Милчо Спасов
lyrics by
PortraitКвартет До-Ре-Ми-Фа ,
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Любов любовEmil Dimitrov3:28
2Покана за танцEmil Dimitrov3:05
3Песен за моята майкаEmil Dimitrov4:09
4Рок енд РолEmil Dimitrov1:48
5Ти си отиде през септемвриEmil Dimitrov2:51
6Урок по хининEmil Dimitrov2:29
7Чин чинEmil DimitrovCharles Blackwell, Vito Pallavicini2:36
8Ако някога се срещнем непознатиEmil Dimitrov3:41
9Утре ти ще се омъжишEmil Dimitrov3:28
10Къщата на изгряващото слънцеEmil Dimitrov3:39
11Пак целувка ми дайEmil Dimitrov2:13
12Щастливият шейкEmil Dimitrov2:07
13ПростиEmil Dimitrov2:49
14На южния брягEmil Dimitrov2:31
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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