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Album Cover
Enzo Jannacci E Giorgio Gaber
Enzo Jannacci E Giorgio Gaber

Compil. IT 1972 on Family Records label
Rock, Pop, Folk, World and

This records contains all songs that were recorded by Enzo Janncci and Giorgio Gaber as "I Due Corsari" which were released between 1958 and 1960.

PortraitEnzo Jannacci key, voc, 1935-2013 IT
album by, lyrics by, music by
PortraitGiorgio Gaber eg, acg, g, 1939-2003 IT
album by, music by, lyrics by
PortraitUmberto Simonetta , *1926 IT
lyrics by
PortraitFranco Franchi voc, IT
lyrics by
PortraitGiorgio Calabrese , *1929 IT
lyrics by
PortraitScardina ,
lyrics by, music by
PortraitLuciano Beretta , 1928-1994 IT
lyrics by
PortraitFranco Migliacci , *1930 IT
lyrics by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Una Fetta Di LimoneEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberUmberto Simonetta
2Corsari ScozzesiEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberFranco Franchi
3Dormi PiccinoEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberUmberto Simonetta
4Ehi! ... StellaEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberGiorgio Calabrese
5Una FiabaEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberGiorgio Gaber
624 OreEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberGiorgio Calabrese
7Zitto PregoEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberEnzo Jannacci, Giorgio Gaber
8BirraEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberFranco Franchi
9Il Cane E La StellaEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberEnzo Jannacci, Scardina
10Teddy GirlEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberLuciano Beretta
11Perchè Non Con MeEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberFranco Franchi
12Tintarella Di LunaEnzo Jannacci E Giorgio GaberFranco Migliacci
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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