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Album Cover
Eric Cordier
Osorezan (Selected Field Recording 1993 - 2006)

Album MY 2007 on Herbal International label
Spoken Word (Field Recording)

6-panel gatefold cover including an 12 page booklet of site photos and text in English. Osorezan, (la montagne de la peur) L’air dans l’eau L’air dans l’air L’air et l’eau Recorded in Niseko, southwest of Hokaïdo and in Osorezan, northern of Honshu in August 2006. Gas emanation of volcano in Japan. The sound recordings were carried out in the depths and then re-organised. We listen to gas bubbling in water, gas mouths, gas that creates rhythms while escaping from under a dead leaf down in the clay, whistling…All panoramic movements, repetitions, effects of phasing have been carried out during the time of the recording, travelling at the mouth to gather the sound of sulphur gas as a sound pallette. Transbordement The outward and return journey of the ferry, crossing the Seine River between Heurteauville and Jumièges, downstream from Rouen (with the unloading of the cars). Recorded in Heurteauville on July 17, 1993. Dekishima Recorded on the 1st january 2005. It is the sound of the wires of a ’"bridge" at the sea side during a small storm (north Honshu, west coast, Aomori area). A "bridge" because it is a typical useless Japanese object built just for giving work to the construction industry. A surealistic place, a road to nowhere as if it were just to throw cars into the sea. Le feu de Saint Clair La Haye de Routot is one of the more interesting villages in Normandy, a meeting point of ethnology and tourism. It has preserved rare traditions; it has an extraordinary heritage, two yew trees of two thousand years old, both large and hollow with vaults carved within. And since a few decades, an eco-museum specialising in bread and wood-shoes was established there. I know this place well, 3km away from my native village. It is this place too where I had recorded part of my second CD (U.n.a.c.d.). The recording takes place on a festival day, it was an occasion of participation for my grandfather who set up once in a year the electrical supply brought by a mobile generator and my father who thereafter wired the sound system for the festival and especially for the mass in the small church. Every year on July 16, of my childhood, I assisted with the kindling then the combustion of the 14 meters high bonfire. Le montage du feu The brotherhood of charity, once in a year collaborates in the building for this bonfire, which will be set ablaze in the evening. They are a team of volunteers, who work on the building site (with good mood). Les tintenelles et le feu Standing in a central point of the cemetery, halfway between the church and the fire, precisely under one of these giant trees, the happenings according to my perspective. One hears successively the harmonium during the end of the mass resounding in the cemetery, then the drum of the garde champêtre (a kind of rural policeman), which opens the way to the procession among crowd. Then the tintenelles (bells) played by the master of the brotherhood of charity. The audience becomes quiet for a moment in respect for the religious authorities before returning to hubbub. The tintennelles disappear behind a low wall and then the fire begins. Field recordings caught in 1993. Par temps sec (In dry weather) The beginning of a summer afternoon in a small hamlet Le Mazel, Champy, Ardeches, south of France. Microphones set up behind a hedge, close to a small country path catching the activity at a precise moment. This recording did not undergo any editing or mixing.

PortraitEric Cordier ep, FR
liner notes, texts & translations, photography by, recorded by, all by, 1993 - 2007, album by
PortraitGoh Lee Kwang g, MY
liner notes, texts & translations with help from
Herbal Design Team design, layout
Pierre Cordier photography by
Satoko Fujimoto photography by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1OsorezanEric Cordier19:53
2L'Air Dans L'EauEric Cordier5:48
3L'Air Dans L'AirEric Cordier4:33
4L'Air Et L'EauEric Cordier9:31
5TransbordementEric Cordier7:50
6DekishimaEric Cordier2:19
7Le Feu De Saint ClairEric Cordier14:20
8Le Montage Du FeuEric Cordier7:13
9Les Tintenelles Et Le FeuEric Cordier7:03
10Par Temps SecEric Cordier18:11
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