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Album Cover
Erich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
Scary Music

Album GB 2002 on Telarc Surround label
Classical and Soundtrack (Contemporary, Soundtrack)

PortraitErich Kunzel , 1935-2009 US
conductor, album by
PortraitCincinnati Pops Orchestra , US
orchestra, album by
PortraitJoe McBride voc, key, p,
keyboards, vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The Legend Lives/End Theme From Sleepy HollowErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops OrchestraDanny Elfman
2This Is Halloween From Tim Burton's The NIghtmare Before ChristmasErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops OrchestraDanny Elfman
3Themes From BeetlejuiceErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops OrchestraDanny Elfman
4The Haunted Fun HouseErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops OrchestraMichael Bishop
5Theme From The Addams FamilyErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops OrchestraVic Mizzy
6Tubular Bells From The ExorcistErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops OrchestraMike Oldfield
7Theme Frome GhostbustersErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops OrchestraRay Parker Jr.
8Theme From The MunstersErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
9They've Landed/Martian HopErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
10Theme From Tales From The CryptErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
11Monster MashErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
12Opening From The ShiningErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
13ThrillerErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
14The Carousel From The HauntingErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
15Theme From Dark ShadowsErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
16Beware Of The Blob From The BlobErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
17Theme From Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes/Tomato RampageErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
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