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Erling Stordahl

acc, 1923-1994 NO
Singer / Composer of Pop

A "Giant" in Norway. As well as being a famous schlager composer and vocalist, he was an activist for athletics and for the blind. Born in 1923 and turned blind at the age of 13. Became a Norwegian Champ in Accordion at the age of 15. Died in 1994. He might be known to some people all over the world for the park at his farm outside Sarpsborg. At this place a big sculpture created by Arnold Haukland is accompanied by music "composed by" Arne Nordheim. The whole installation is called "Ode Til Lyset". Visit:

  • Accordion
  • Vocals
  • Pop
  • Folk
  • World
Popular Tracks   
Piken I Dalen - Vals on Engerdahl & Stordahl Vol. 3 by Gunnar Engedahl & Erling Stordahl
Vesle-Blakken on Engerdahl & Stordahl Vol. 2 by Gunnar Engedahl & Erling Stordahl
Elgjakt - 2006 Remastered Version on Diamanter by Gunnar Engedahl & Erling Stordahl
Ungkarsvalsen - 2006 Remastered Version on Minnenes melodi by Gunnar Engedahl & Erling Stordahl
Minnenes melodi - 2006 Remastered Version on Minnenes melodi by Gunnar Engedahl & Erling Stordahl
Storfiskervalsen - 2006 Remastered Version on Diamanter by Gunnar Engedahl & Erling Stordahl
Måke Fortell on Engerdahl & Stordahl Vol. 2 by Gunnar Engedahl & Erling Stordahl
Barndomshjemmet - 2006 Remastered Version on Diamanter by Gunnar Engedahl & Erling Stordahl
Piken i dalen - 2006 Remastered Version on Minnenes melodi by Gunnar Engedahl & Erling Stordahl
Midnattsolens land - 2006 Remastered Version on Diamanter by Gunnar Engedahl & Erling Stordahl

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Members
Title Artist Year Type
Ridderspranget (Race For Light) (Norwegian Old-time Dances)Erling Stordahl Og Torleiv Bolstad1976Album
Tenn Alle Lys / Ved En NyingGunnar Engedahl, Anders Saus, Erling Stordahl1964Single
Det Gode Lys / Beethoven Spiller For Den Blinde PikeErling Stordahl1963Single
På Ulrikkens Topp / Lett På TåErling Stordahl1959Single
Valdres Folk MusicTorleiv Bolstad, Erling Stordahl, Oddrun Rudi, Gullik Kirkevold, Harding Fiddle EnsembleSingle
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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