Felix the Baker is a band formed in Poznan (Poland) by four extraordinary musicians sharing interest in modern indie-rock music. Despite being on the beginning of their careers boys managed to rock their way above thousands of bands competing in music contest Skoda Auto Muzyka and win the bloggers award. Their debut EP "Weirdos Dancing Club" was received well by fans and critics. Songs from this record found a way to toplists of Radio Merkury and Radio Afera. Acoustic version of bands hit song "TV (What You Can See)" was played on Youtube twenty thousand times. Throughout two years of it's activity band played loads of gigs in Poland, suporting such artists as I Am Giant or Paula i Karol. Felix the Baker is considered one of the biggest hope for indie-rock scene in Poznań. Their second EP called We Are The Universe came out 11.04.2015 and is available on spotify.