A.k.a. Antônio Fernando Pessoa Ferreira
Antônio Fernando Pessoa Ferreira best known only by Fernando Pessoa Ferreira (Olinda, 1932 - São Paulo, May 12, 2010) was a Brazilian journalist and writer. Living in Recife, he participated, along with other intellectuals, the movement known as Generation of 1950, being one of the main figures of the group. He left Recife to work in newspapers of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina, arriving at the direction of some newspapers. He lived in São Paulo (city) since 1968. Since he was 21 years old, he was a journalist. In Rio, he worked at the Diário Carioca, Correio da Manhã and Última Hora, in Manchete and Cruzeiro magazines. In São Paulo, he worked in magazines of Grupo Abril and the newspapers Folha da Tarde and Folha de S.Paulo. Also was adviser of the rectory of the University of São Paulo. He wrote the lyrics of "Vantagem de Perder", music recorded by the São Paulo singer Adauto Santos, on the B side of the single compact (February 1977). He was arrested by the military dictatorship in Brazil in 1969, accused of hosting a wanted by the military. In 2006 he had successfully treated bladder cancer, but the disease had returned. He died in São Paulo of cardiorespiratory arrest; two days before he died, signed a contract at the hospital for the release of his latest book, Sickle Whistle.