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Album Cover
Frank Valdor
Dynamic Trumpet Party

Album DE on Somerset label
Jazz and Pop (Easy Listening)

PortraitFrank Valdor perc, 1937-2013 DE
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Candida / My Sweet Lord / Indian ReservationFrank Valdor
2Dynamic Trumpets / San Bernadino / I Hear You KnockingFrank Valdor
3A Song Of Joy / Ruby TuesdayFrank Valdor
4Knock Three Times / She's A Lady / Black Magic WomanFrank Valdor
5Apeman / When I'm Dead And Gone / Careless LoveFrank Valdor
6Cracklin' Rosie / Hier Ist Ein Mensch / We Did It TogetherFrank Valdor
7Ich Bin Verliebt In Die Liebe / Rose Garden / Gestern Noch Ganz AlleinFrank Valdor
8Oh, Wann Kommst Du? / Can I Tell YouFrank Valdor
9Einmal Verliebt - Immer Verliebt / Song Of Glory / Spanish EyesFrank Valdor
10Für Dich Allein / Der Mann Auf Dem Zehnmarkschein / Gute Reise, Schöne RoseFrank Valdor
11Frank Valdor
12Frank Valdor
13Frank Valdor
14Frank Valdor
15Frank Valdor
16Frank Valdor
17Frank Valdor
18Frank Valdor
19Frank Valdor
20Frank Valdor
21Frank Valdor
22Frank Valdor
23Frank Valdor
24Frank Valdor
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Frank Valdor - Dynamic Trumpet Party DE Jazz and Pop
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