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Album Cover
Franz Schubert
Part Songs

Album UK 1967 on Ace Of Diamonds label
Classical (Romantic)

PortraitFranz Schubert voc, p, 1797-1828 AT
album by
PortraitChristopher Keyte voc, GB
bass vocals
PortraitThe Elizabethan Singers ,
PortraitHelen Watts voc, 1927-2009 GB
contralto vocals
PortraitShirley Minty voc,
contralto vocals
PortraitViola Tunnard p, hps,
PortraitApril Cantelo , *1928 GB
soprano vocals
PortraitIan Partridge voc, *1938 GB
tenor vocals
PortraitRobert Tear voc, 1939-2011 GB
tenor vocals
Louis Halsey directed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1GebetFranz Schubert
2NachthelleFranz Schubert
3Gott In Der NaturFranz Schubert
4JunglingswonneFranz Schubert
5StandchenFranz Schubert
6Der GondelfahrerFranz Schubert
7Gott Meine ZuversichtFranz Schubert
8Gott Im UngewitterFranz Schubert
9Christ Ist ErstandenFranz Schubert
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
Other Search Results
Franz Schubert / Annette Bisdorff, Werner Compes, Theo Van Gemert, Der Gus Anton Chor - An Den Frühling: Lieder Für Männerchor (Part Songs For Men's Chorus) Vol. II DE 1991 Classical
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