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Album Cover
Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford

Album UK 1975 on Incus label
Jazz (Free Improvisation)

Recording dates: Tracks 1 to 11: at the Unity Theatre, London: 1 and 6 on 27 August 1974 2 to 5 on 14 January 1975 7 to 10 on 25 February 1975 11 on 22 April 1975

PortraitGarry Todd ts, GB
tenor saxophone, album by
PortraitDave Solomon perc,
percussion, album by
PortraitJohn Russell g, acg, *1954 GB
electric guitar, album by
PortraitNigel Coombes vn, GB
violin, electronics, low grade, album by
PortraitSteve Beresford , *1950 GB
piano, toy, toys, album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Irritating TappingGarry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford1:29
2European Improvised Music Sho' 'nuff Turns Me OnGarry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford
3Part 1Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford8:34
4Part 2Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford1:38
5Part 3Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford3:33
6Part 4Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford7:54
7-Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford
8DeadbeatGarry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford0:34
9I Didn't Get Up This MorningGarry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford
10Part 1Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford0:54
11Part 2Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford4:25
12Part 3Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford2:09
13Part 4Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford2:34
14-Garry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford
15Graham Shows His TeethGarry Todd / Dave Solomon / John Russell / Nigel Coombes / Steve Beresford11:19
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