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Georg Riedel


Georg Riedel (Altstadt Kantor) (1676–1738) Kantor at the Altstadt church, Königsberg, who composed oratorios of Gospel of Matthew and Revelation

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Faul sein ist wunderschön on TV Friends Forever - Der Original Soundtrack: Pippi Langstrumpf by Various Artists
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Karleken (arr. for guitar and double bass): Kärleken on Sånger utan ord by Mats Bergström
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Barbados on Jazz at the Pawnshop by Arne Domnérus
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Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Title Artist Year Type
Deutsche Barock Kantaten (VI)Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Philipp Telemann, Christian Ludwig Boxberg, Georg Riedel - Ricercar Consort1990Album
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