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Album Cover
George Crumb
Ancient Voices Of Children

Album US 1971 on Nonesuch label
Classical (Contemporary)

Commissioned by the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation in the Library of Congress; first performed at the 14th Festival of Chamber Music in the Coolidge Auditorium, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., October 21, 1970. Recorded with the assistance of the Ford Foundation Recording-Publication-Program. Publ. Henmar Press Inc. (C. F. Peters Corporation). Recorded in New York in January 1971. 15 Columbus Circle address on labels and back cover

PortraitGeorge Crumb cwb, perc, p, *1929 US
composed by, liner notes, album by
PortraitArthur Weisberg b, 1931-2009 US
PortraitGilbert Kalish p, *1935 US
electric piano, toy piano
PortraitContemporary Chamber Ensemble ,
PortraitSusan Jolles hrp, US
PortraitStephen Bell alp, GB
PortraitJan DeGaetani voc, 1933-1989 US
mezzo-soprano vocals
PortraitGeorge Haas ob, eh,
oboe, harmonica
PortraitHoward Van Hyning perc, 1936-2010 US
PortraitRaymond Des Roches perc, US
PortraitRichard Fitz perc,
PortraitJacob Glick vl,
saw, musical saw
PortraitMichael Dash voc,
soprano vocals, boy soprano
PortraitEdwin Gonig ,
translated by
PortraitJ.L. Gili , GB
translated by
PortraitStephen Spender , 1909-1995 GB
translated by
PortraitW. S. Merwin , *1927 US
translated by
PortraitFederico García Lorca p, 1898-1936 ES
words by, texts by
Robert L. Heimall art direction, art director
Bob Pepper artwork, cover art
Teresa Sterne coordinator
Robert W. Zingmark design, cover design
Joanna Nickrenz engineer
Marc J. Aubort engineer
Bob Ludwig mastered by
George Crumb
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Ancient Voices Of Children (A Cycle Of Songs On Texts By Federico García Lorca For Mezzo-soprano, Boy Soprano, Oboe, Mandolin, Harp, Electric Piano & Percussion)George Crumb
2I. El Niño Busca Su VozGeorge Crumb4:27
3Dances Of The Ancient Earth (For Oboe, Mandolin, Harp & Percussion)George Crumb2:22
4II. Me He Perdido Muchas Veces Por El MarGeorge Crumb2:16
5III. ¿De Dónde Vienes, Amor, Me Niño? (Dance Of The Sacred Life-Cycle)George Crumb
6IV. Todas Las Tardes En Granada, Todas Las Tardes Se Muere Un NiñoGeorge Crumb6:43
7Ghost Dance (For Mandolin & Maracas)George Crumb1:53
8V. Se Ha Llenado De Luces Mi Corazón De SedaGeorge Crumb7:07

30sec audio samples provided by

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