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Album Cover
George Gershwin / Lawrence Winters, Isabelle Lucas, Ray Ellington, Barbara Elsy, Pauline Stevens
Porgy And Bess

Album UK 1961 on World Record Club label
Jazz and Soundtrack (Musical)

Mono version of Porgy And Bess

PortraitGeorge Gershwin p, key, 1898-1937 US
album by
PortraitLawrence Winters b, 1915-1965 US
album by
PortraitIsabelle Lucas vn, 1927-1997 GB
album by
PortraitRay Ellington voc, dr, 1916-1985 GB
album by
PortraitBarbara Elsy voc,
album by
PortraitPauline Stevens voc,
album by
PortraitBobby Richards ,
arranged by
PortraitKenneth Alwyn , *1925 GB
PortraitThe Linden Singers ,
Dubose Heyward
lyrics by
PortraitIra Gershwin voc, 1896-1983 US
lyrics by
Portrait"Porgy And Bess" Orchestra ,
performer on track
PortraitLawrence Winters , Barbara Elsy , Edward Darling , Ursula Connors , Ian Humphris ,
performer on track
PortraitLawrence Winters , Barbara Elsy ,
performer on track
Cyril Ornadel producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Overture"Porgy And Bess" Orchestra
2I Got Plenty O' Nuttin'Lawrence Winters
3SummertimeIsabelle Lucas
4It Aint Necessarily SoRay Ellington
5Bess, You Is My Women NowLawrence Winters
6Street CriesLawrence Winters , Barbara Elsy , Edward Darling (2) , Ursula Connors , Ian Humphris
7I Loves You, PorgyLawrence Winters
8There's A Boat Dat's Leavin' Soon For New YorkRay Ellington
9Oh Where's My BessLawrence Winters , Barbara Elsy
10Finale: I'm On My WayLawrence Winters
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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