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Album Cover
George Winston
Remembrance (A Memorial Benefit)

Album US 2001 on Windham Hill Records label

Recorded September 16 and 17, 2001 Dedicated to those who have perished, their loved ones, and all who are helping others. Total time of track 5a to 5d is 8:55.

PortraitGeorge Winston p, *1949 US
co-producer, guitar, harmonica, piano, album by, written by
PortraitGeorge Kahumoku, Jr. ,
guitar, slack key guitar
PortraitMoses Kahumoku g, voc,
guitar, slack key guitar
Cathy Econom co-producer
Howard Johnston co-producer, mastered by
Janene Higgins design
Adam Muñoz engineer
Jon Mayer engineer
Justin Lieberman engineer
Mark Slagle engineer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1LamentGeorge Winston2:26
2Where Are You NowGeorge Winston4:09
3RemembranceGeorge Winston3:55
4Where The Sun Rises First (Kumakabi)George Winston5:11
5FarewellGeorge WinstonTraditional
6Kindness EmergingGeorge WinstonGeorge Winston
7 American, My Country 'Tis Of TheeGeorge WinstonSamuel Francis Smith
8 TapsGeorge WinstonDaniel A. Butterfield, Oliver Norton
9 Daughters And SonsGeorge Winston4:31

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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