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Album Cover
Gerd Zacher - Mauricio Kagel / Juan Allende-Blin / György Ligeti
Phantasie Für Orgel Mit Obbligati / Sonorités / Volumina • Étude Nr.1 ("Harmonies")

Album DE 1968 on Deutsche Grammophon label
Electronic and Classical (Contemporary, Musique Concrète)

Originally issued as part of the Avantgarde boxset (1968) - DGG 104988/93 Composed 1967/ 1962/ 1961/ 1967. Recorded at Lutherkirche, Hamburg-Wellingsbüttel, April 1968.

PortraitGerd Zacher org, 1929-2014 DE
organ, album by, tape
PortraitMauricio Kagel voc, ep, 1931-2008 DE
album by, composed by, tape
PortraitJuan Allende-Blin , *1928 CL
album by, composed by
PortraitGyörgy Ligeti , 1923-2006 HU
album by, composed by
Holger Matthies design
Klaus Scheibe engineer, recording
Karl Faust producer
Manfred Richter recording supervisor
Dieter Schnebel sleeve notes
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Phantasie Für Orgel Mit ObbligatiMauricio KagelMauricio Kagel
2SonoritésJuan Allende-BlinJuan Allende-Blin
3VoluminaGyörgy LigetiGyörgy Ligeti
4Étude Nr. 1 ("Harmonies")György LigetiGyörgy Ligeti
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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