*1945 IT
A.k.a. Giancarlo D'Ovidio
Italian pioneer disc-jockey (born Rome, 27 July 1945). Dj-comedian began his career with the opening of the discotheques. Significant and fruitful his first experience at Piper 2000 in Viareggio in 1968, where was in close contact with the biggest rock bands of the period. In the early '70s is the founder with Renzo Arbore, Carlo Massarini, Raffaele Cascone, Claudio Casalini..., of GDP (Gruppo Disc-Jockey Professionisti) and subsequently in 1974 founder of AID (Italian Association Disc-Jockey). From 1979 to 1984 is art director at Festival di Sanremo, introducing during those years several changes as The Critics' Prize, an award to recognize the best song competing in the festival.