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Album Cover
Glam & Fash
Vi Vil Ha Mer

Album NO 1985 on CBS label

PortraitGlam & Fash ,
album by
PortraitFash Fashion b,
PortraitOle Petter Hansen dr, bvoc, cym,
PortraitPer Hillestad dr, perc, *1959 NO
Svein Tørstad
PortraitKenneth Moen , NO
guitar, choir, bass
Tom Roger Jensen
PortraitTor Øyvind Quille ,
PortraitGlam Glamour voc,
vocals, choir
Johnny Sareussen producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Vi Vil Ha MerGlam & Fash
2Rock'n'roll StarGlam & Fash
3FriGlam & Fash
4Fikse DamerGlam & Fash
5LørdagskveldGlam & Fash
6I Dine ØyneGlam & Fash
7MarieGlam & Fash
8Et Sug I KroppenGlam & Fash
9Oh-la-la-laGlam & Fash
10Jeg Våkner OppGlam & Fash
11Pene Brune GutterGlam & Fash
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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