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Glen Wilson

hps, *1952 US
Musician / Conductor of Classical


  • Harpsichord
  • Organ
Popular Tracks   
Pièces de viole, Livre 3 - Suite No. 7 in G Major: No. 92. Prélude. Lentement on Marais: Pièces de viole by Marin Marais, Mieneke van der Velden & Glen Wilson
Flute Sonata in E Minor, Op. 3, No. 3: II. Larghetto on Platti: Flute Sonatas by Giovanni Benedetto Platti & Bernhard Bohm
Flute Sonata in E Minor, Op. 3, No. 3: IV. Giga on Platti: Flute Sonatas by Giovanni Benedetto Platti & Bernhard Bohm
Flute Sonata in E Minor, Op. 3, No. 3: III. Minuet on Platti: Flute Sonatas by Giovanni Benedetto Platti & Bernhard Bohm
Pièces de viole, Livre 3 - Suite No. 7 in G Major: No. 100. Gigue a l'angloise. Très vivement on Marais: Pièces de viole by Marin Marais, Mieneke van der Velden & Glen Wilson
Pièces de viole, Livre 5 - Suite No. 1 in A Minor: No. 10. Petit caprice. Légèrement on Marais: Pièces de viole by Marin Marais, Mieneke van der Velden & Glen Wilson
Pièces de viole, Livre 3 - Suite No. 7 in G Major: No. 96. Allemande la Magnifique - No. 97. Double on Marais: Pièces de viole by Marin Marais, Mieneke van der Velden & Glen Wilson
Pièces de viole, Livre 3 - Suite No. 7 in G Major: No. 99. Sarabande Grave on Marais: Pièces de viole by Marin Marais, Mieneke van der Velden & Glen Wilson
Pièces de viole, Livre 3 - Suite No. 7 in G Major: No. 98. Courante on Marais: Pièces de viole by Marin Marais, Mieneke van der Velden & Glen Wilson
Pièces de viole, Livre 2 - Suite No. 6 in E Minor: No. 109. Tombeau pour Mr de Ste. Colombe on Marais: Pièces de viole by Marin Marais, Mieneke van der Velden & Glen Wilson

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Members

Title Artist Year Type
Complete Works; Italian RicercarsMarco Antonio Cavazzoni, Glen Wilson2017Album
Harpsichord Works From The Tabulaturbuch (1571)Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach - Glen Wilson2007Album
The Complete Fantasias For HarpsichordGiles Farnaby - Glen Wilson2006Album
Il Ritorno D'Ulisse In PatriaClaudio Monteverdi - Baroque Ensemble, Glen Wilson2005Album
Tombeau De M. De Blancrocher / Preludes / Pavane / GalliardeLouis Couperin - Glen Wilson2003Album
SonatasDomenico Scarlatti, Glen Wilson1992Album
Arianna - English CanzonettasJoseph Haydn, Carolyn Watkinson, Glen Wilson1991Album
Das Wohltemperiert Klavier II / The Well-Tempered Clavier / Le Clavier Bien Tempéré (BWV 846-849)Johann Sebastian Bach - Glen Wilson1990Album
Das Wohltemperiert Klavier / The Well-Tempered Clavier / Le Clavier Bien Tempéré (BWV 846-849)Johann Sebastian Bach - Glen Wilson1989Album
Mozart SongsWolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Roberta Alexander, Glen Wilson1985Album
12 Sonatas • 1734Georg Philipp Telemann - Marijke Miessen, Bob van Asperen • Glen Wilson • Wouter Möller1984Album
Six Sonatas For Bassoon & Fortepiano Op. 24François Devienne - Jesse Read • Glen Wilson1984Album
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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