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Album Cover
Goethes Erben
Nichts Bleibt Wie Es War

Album DE 2001 on Zeitbombe label
Electronic, Rock, Spoken Word and Pop (Modern Classical, Industrial, Synth-pop, Avant-garde)

Produced, mixed and recorded at Candyland Studios, Hamburg. "Nichts Bleibt Wie Es War" is a German-language adaptation of Still Silent's "Shockwaved" (Feat. Peter Spilles), from the album "Sick World". "Was War Bleibt" is an adaptation of the Erblast track of the same title from the album "I".

PortraitGoethes Erben , *1989 DE
music by, lyrics by, album by
PortraitOswald Henke voc, *1967 DE
PortraitMatthias Konrad b,
music by, lyrics by
PortraitMarkus Köstner dr, perc, *1971 DE
music by, lyrics by
Jürgen Jansen producer, recorded by, mixed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Zeit NachzudenkenGoethes Erben
2Der EissturmGoethes Erben4:28
3Vermisster TraumGoethes ErbenMatthias Konrad3:23
4Ganz StillGoethes Erben4:00
5Paradoxe StilleGoethes Erben3:50
6GlasgartenGoethes Erben4:35
7Zornige UtopienGoethes Erben
8Nichts Bleibt Wie Es WarGoethes Erben3:54
9HimmelgrauGoethes ErbenMarkus Köstner3:14
10Ganz SanftGoethes Erben4:05
11Rotleuchtende Einst Weiße EngelGoethes Erben4:21
12FleischschuldGoethes Erben5:26
13Zimmer 34 (Part 1)Goethes Erben6:39
14Zimmer 34 (Part 2)Goethes Erben2:26
15ResümeeGoethes Erben
16Nur Ein NarrGoethes Erben3:44
17Was War BleibtGoethes Erben5:40
18SchreiheitGoethes Erben3:22
19Mensch SeinGoethes Erben3:09
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