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Album Cover
Graindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer
Motets (Music From Northern France: The Cambrai Manuscript A 410)

Album 2014 on Glossa label
Classical (Medieval, Vocal)

Villad de Honnecourt > Métier, memoires and travels of a 13th-century cathedral builder vol.3 'Motets' Recorded at Saint-Yved, Brain, France, in July and August 2010 ℗ & © 2014 note 1 music gmbh Made in Austria

PortraitGraindelavoix voc, *1999 BE
ensemble, album by
PortraitBjörn Schmelzer voc,
directed by, vocals, liner notes, album by
PortraitJan Van Outryve fl, BE
chitarrone, guiterne
PortraitThomas Baeté gam, vn, *1978 BE
PortraitPierre Élie Mamou ,
liner notes, french translation
PortraitSusanne Lowien ,
liner notes, german translation
PortraitFloris De Rycker , *1981 BE
Euridike De Beul
PortraitLieven Gouwy voc,
PortraitMarius Peterson voc,
PortraitOlalla Alemán voc, ES
PortraitPatrizia Hardt voc, BE
PortraitPaul De Troyer ,
Silvie Moors
Thomas Vandele
PortraitTomas Maxé voc, b, ES
PortraitYves Van Handenhove voc, BE
rosacasirojo design
Manuel Mohino engineer, producer
Carlos Céster executive-producer, liner notes, editorial direction
María Díaz liner notes, editorial assistance
Mark Wiggins liner notes, management, editorial assistance
Koen Broos photography by, cover
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Aucuns Vont Souvent / Amor Qui Vulnerat / KYRIE ELEISONGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer4:19
2Pour Le Tens Qui VerdoieGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer2:41
3J'ai Mis Toute Ma Pensee Lonc Tens / Je N'en Puis Mais / PUERORUMGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer2:12
4Par Une Matinee / Mellis Stilla / DOMINOGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer3:08
5Nient Plus Que DroizGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer3:30
6O Virgo Pia / Lis Ne Glay / AMATGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer1:50
7Dieus Ou Porrai Je Trouver Merci / Che Sont Amouretes / OMNESGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer2:18
8Descendendo Dominus / Ascendendo Dominus / DOMINOGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer2:42
9O Maria Virgo Davitica / O Maria Maris Stella / VERITATEMGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer4:39
10J'ai Mis Toute Ma Pensee Lonc Tens / Je N'en Puis Mais / PUERORUMGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer3:01
11Ave Lux Luminum / Salve Virgo Rubens Rosa / NEUMAGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer6:17
12Cil Qui Chantent De FleurGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer3:05
13 Plus Bele Que Flor / Quant Revient Et Fuelle Et Flor / L'autrier Joer M'en Alai / FLOS FILIUS EIUSGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer4:35
14 Chorus Innocentium / In Bethleem / IN BETHLEEMGraindelavoix, Björn Schmelzer2:51

30sec audio samples provided by

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