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Album Cover
Greens III

Album US 1984 on Malaco Records label
R&B/Soul (Funk, Disco)

Recorded at Daily Planet Studios, Memphis, TN, The Disc, Detroit, MI, Studio A, Detroit, MI Mixed at Daily Planet Studios, Memphis, TN All songs published by Chatawa Music (ASCAP) and Biolite Music (ASCAP) ℗ © 1984 Malaco, Inc.

PortraitGreens III ,
album by
PortraitDavid Cochrane key, US
Dennis Fowler
PortraitRichard Davis b, *1930 US
PortraitPhil Allen ,
design, typography, cover logo
PortraitRufus Harris ,
PortraitSIDney Howard key,
PortraitCarl Marsh syn, key, US
Bobby Manuel engineer, producer
Eric Morgeson engineer
Greg Reilly engineer
Al Salter photography by
Bee Bee Green producer
Jim Stewart producer
Desmond Green backing vocals
Timothy Green backing vocals
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Be MineGreens IIIBee Bee Green, Keena Green3:42
2You Want My BodyGreens IIIBee Bee Green, Michelle Green5:19
33-DGreens IIIBee Bee Green, Klmmala Green, Michelle Green5:40
4I Want My BabyGreens IIIBee Bee Green, Keena Green5:16
5RazorGreens IIIBee Bee Green, Keena Green5:45
6Falling In LoveGreens IIIBee Bee Green, Keena Green5:07
7Burn This PlaceGreens IIIBee Bee Green, Michelle Green3:55
8 Shake It BabyGreens IIIBee Bee Green, Michelle Green4:37

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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