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Album Cover
Greens Keepers
Polo Club

Album US 2006 on OM Records label
Electronic and Rock (House, Pop Rock)

Track 1-17.3 is not listed. Physical Track 1-17 is 10:29 long. Disc durations are 61:25 and 63:43. Bonus disc mixed by James Curd live at Love in NYC. Version title of track 2-7 as "Weirdtime Remix" in the booklet but as "Wierdtime Remix" on the back sleeve. ©&℗ 2006 Om Records. Distributed in the USA by ADA. Tracks 1-1 to 1-9, 1-11 to 1-17.3: Published by Sounds Of Om Track 1-10: Written for Gallery Music.

PortraitGreens Keepers ,
album by
PortraitMark Share key,
art direction, performer, greenskeepers are, producer
PortraitJames Curd voc, US
dj mix, performer, greenskeepers are, producer
PortraitCoban Rudish b,
performer, greenskeepers are, bass
PortraitNick Maurer voc, g, DE
performer, greenskeepers are
PortraitCheech Maru ,
vocals, extra vocals
PortraitStine Kinck voc, DK
vocals, extra vocals
PortraitTom Araya voc, b, *1961 US
lyrics by
PortraitLDOE ,
performer on track, written by
PortraitLabel Brothers ,
lyrics by
PortraitNo Artist ,
performer on track
PortraitJ Dub voc,
featuring, vocals, vocals, featuring
PortraitEast Coast Boogiemen ,
performer on track
PortraitDJ Heather voc, US
vocals, featuring
PortraitIz & Diz , US
performer on track
PortraitDiz voc, US
vocals, additional vocals
PortraitOne Fingered Pocket ,
performer on track
PortraitPrincess Superstar voc, *1971 US
vocals, featuring
PortraitTracy Cooper ,
performer on track
PortraitProject Kids ,
performer on track
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Polo ClubGreens Keepers
2Polo ClubGreens Keepers3:08
315 MinutesGreens Keepers4:06
4IndecisionGreens Keepers3:25
5NY LadyGreens Keepers3:20
6BedtimeGreens Keepers4:06
7Wanna New DrugGreens KeepersChris Hayes, Hugh Cregg2:48
8A Week AgoGreens Keepers3:58
9BloodclotsGreens KeepersTom Araya2:46
10CoconutsGreens Keepers2:26
11Crimes (Greenskeepers Remix)LDOELDOE4:02
12Alphabet ManGreens Keepers3:36
13Love LobotomyGreens KeepersLabel Brothers2:43
14Martini LunchesGreens Keepers2:59
15MPC GhostGreens Keepers0:18
16Lights Of FireGreens Keepers3:49
17CowboyGreens Keepers3:26
18The ChairGreens Keepers3:44
19(silence)No Artist2:59
20LotionGreens Keepers3:46
21Bonus Mix CD By James CurdGreens Keepers
22Ocean FloorGreens Keepers5:14
23Picture Of You (GK Remix)East Coast Boogiemen2:44
24Good ByeGreens Keepers3:29
25Mouth (GK Remix)Iz & Diz4:13
26New York Lady (Smooth Mix)Greens Keepers3:59
27Alphabet Man (Shine On Remix)Greens Keepers3:59
28Bedtime (Wierdtime Remix)Greens Keepers2:29
29Crimes (GK House Remix)LDOE3:43
30Man In The House (911 Remix)Greens Keepers2:14
31Go (No Assembly Firm Remix)Greens Keepers4:43
32A Week Ago (Disappeared Mix)Greens Keepers3:13
33Pussy (GK Remix)One Fingered Pocket4:13
34Are You Hip (James Curd Remix)Tracy Cooper3:42
35Family ClonesProject Kids3:14
36Serve 'Um UpGreens Keepers2:59
37PrescriptionGreens Keepers3:14
38On The Line (Members Only Remix)Greens Keepers2:55
39SensitivoGreens Keepers3:25
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