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Album Cover
Grethe Mogensen Og Dragørbørnene
I Synge-Legeland 4

Single DK 1969 on His Master's Voice label
Children's Music

Total duration side A: 5:44 minutes Total duration side B: 5:36 minutes

PortraitGrethe Mogensen voc, *1937 DK
album by
PortraitDragørbørnene , DK
album by
PortraitErik Kaare voc, g, DK
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Tre Små SoldaterGrethe Mogensen
2Op Lille HansGrethe Mogensen
3Tidlig OpGrethe Mogensen
4Kig OpGrethe Mogensen
5Jeg Gik Mig Over Sø Og LandGrethe Mogensen
6TingelingelaterGrethe Mogensen
7Okker GokkerGrethe Mogensen
8Det Var En Gang En KongeGrethe Mogensen
9Eventyret Om Sip Og SkratGrethe Mogensen
10Langt Udi SkogenGrethe Mogensen
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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