*1983 BR
Electronic, Rock and Alternative
A.k.a. Guilherme Chiarelli Gonçalves
Guilherme Chiarelli Gonçalves (born May 22, 1983 in Taquari, Brazil) is an Brazilian punk musician, artist, publicist and journalist. Kustódia (1998-2001) V, V/G Instantâneo Momento de Loucura (2000-2003) D Analtomical Infierno (2002) D/V Porinquantoéeesse (2002) V Cü Sujo (2002-2011, 2014) V, V/D Melhoramentos (2003-2005) V/G The Trial (2003-2006) D 3 Real (2004) G Loorex (2004-2009) D, G Macedusss e os Desajustadus (2007, 2012-2013) G Change Your Life (2009-2010, 2011) D Mandela e os Desajustadus (2010) G/V Couch & Tea Ready to Go (2010) G Out Of Reason (2010-2011) B Ornitorrincos (2012-present) G The Last Bohemian of Buenos Aires (2012-2013) D Veräo (2013) D XamorX (2013-present) G The Completers (2015-present) D