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Album Cover
Guillaume de Machaut / Orlando Consort
Songs From Le Voir Dit

Album GB 2013 on Hyperion label
Classical (Medieval, Renaissance, Vocal)

Total duration: 64:27 Recorded in the Parish Church of St John the Baptist, Loughton, Essex, on 2-5 July 2012 Cover illustration: The anatomy of Man and Woman (Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, Ms65/1284 f14v) by Pol de Limbourg (dc1416) Musée Condé, Chantilly, France / Giraudon / Bridgeman Art Library, London ℗ & © Hyperion Records, MMXIII Made in France

PortraitGuillaume de Machaut , 1300-1377 FR
album by
PortraitOrlando Consort , *1988 GB
performer, album by
PortraitDonald Greig voc, *1959 GB
baritone vocals
PortraitMatthew Venner voc, GB
countertenor vocals
PortraitViola Scheffel , DE
liner notes, german translation
PortraitAngus Smith voc,
tenor vocals
PortraitMark Dobell voc, GB
tenor vocals
David Hinitt engineer
Simon Perry executive-producer
Yolanda Plumley liner notes
Tim Parry liner notes, booklet editor
Pol de Limbourg painting
Eric Richmond photography by
Mark Brown producer, recording
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Plourés DamesGuillaume de Machaut / Orlando Consort6:49
2Dame, Se Vous N'avez AperceüGuillaume de Machaut / Orlando Consort3:41
3Ne Que On PorroitGuillaume de Machaut / Orlando Consort7:34
4Sans Cuer DolensGuillaume de Machaut / Orlando Consort4:38
5Longuement Me Sui Tenus 'Le Lay De Bon Esperance'Guillaume de Machaut / Orlando Consort21:02
6Dis Et Sept, CinqGuillaume de Machaut / Orlando Consort4:34
7Puis Qu'en OubliGuillaume de Machaut / Orlando Consort1:45
8Quant Theseus / Ne Quier VeoirGuillaume de Machaut / Orlando Consort6:56
9Se Pour Ce MuirGuillaume de Machaut / Orlando Consort7:27
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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