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Album Cover
Gustav Mahler - Kathleen Ferrier, Set Svanholm, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Bruno Walter
Das Lied Von Der Erde

Album US 1999 on Naxos Historical label
Classical (Romantic)

Recorded live at Carnegie Hall on 8th January, 1948. The source for these discs is a private recording of the broadcast made on 78 acetate discs. The sound on these CDs has been restored using two CEDAR processes.

PortraitGustav Mahler p, 1860-1911 AT
album by
PortraitKathleen Ferrier voc, 1912-1953 GB
vocals, album by
PortraitSet Svanholm voc, 1904-1964 SE
vocals, album by
PortraitThe New York Philharmonic Orchestra ,
orchestra, album by
PortraitBruno Walter p, *1876 DE
conductor, album by
Richard Caniell
liner notes, research, archivist, producer, restoration
Jonathan R. Wearn
producer, series
Nicholas Ryder edited by, producer, associate
Gustav Mahler
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Das Lied Von Der ErdeGustav Mahler - Kathleen Ferrier, Set Svanholm, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Bruno Walter59:19
2Das Trinklied Vom Jammer Der ErdeGustav Mahler - Kathleen Ferrier, Set Svanholm, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Bruno Walter8:33
3Der Einsame Im HerbstGustav Mahler - Kathleen Ferrier, Set Svanholm, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Bruno Walter8:57
4Von Der JugendGustav Mahler - Kathleen Ferrier, Set Svanholm, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Bruno Walter2:58
5Von Der SchönheitGustav Mahler - Kathleen Ferrier, Set Svanholm, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Bruno Walter6:22
6Der Trunkene Im FrühlingGustav Mahler - Kathleen Ferrier, Set Svanholm, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Bruno Walter4:10
7Der AbschiedGustav Mahler - Kathleen Ferrier, Set Svanholm, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Bruno Walter28:19

30sec audio samples provided by

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