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Guy Reibel

*1936 FR, Strasbourg
Composer / Conductor of Classical and Electronic

Guy Reibel (born 27 October 1936 in Strasbourg, France) is an electronic or acousmatic composer.Made his musical studies at the Conservatoire de Paris.Trained under Olivier Messiaen. He is a pioneer of the Groupe de Recherches Musicales with Pierre Schaeffer, François Bayle, Luc Ferrari, François-Bernard Mâche, Iannis Xenakis, Bernard Parmegiani, Marcelle Deschênes.He has also collaborated with French public broadcasting stations like France Musique and France Culture.He is also cited as the conceptualizer of the Omni.

  • Classical
  • Electronic
  • Spoken Word
Popular Tracks   
Ligeti: Mátraszentimrei dalok: No. 4, Erdőbe, erdőbe on Ligeti: Lux æterna and Other Vocal Works by György Ligeti, Groupe Vocal De France & Guy Reibel
Ligeti: Lux æterna on Ligeti: Lux æterna and Other Vocal Works by György Ligeti, Groupe Vocal De France & Guy Reibel
Ligeti: 3 Phantasien nach Friedrich Hölderlin: No. 1, Hälfte des Lebens on Ligeti: Lux æterna and Other Vocal Works by György Ligeti, Groupe Vocal De France & Guy Reibel
Ligeti: 3 Phantasien nach Friedrich Hölderlin: No. 2, Wenn aus der Ferne on Ligeti: Lux æterna and Other Vocal Works by György Ligeti, Groupe Vocal De France & Guy Reibel
Ligeti: Éjszaka, reggel: I. Éjszaka. "Rengeteg tövis" on Ligeti: Lux æterna and Other Vocal Works by György Ligeti, Groupe Vocal De France & Guy Reibel
Ligeti: Magány on Ligeti: Lux æterna and Other Vocal Works by György Ligeti, Groupe Vocal De France & Guy Reibel
Ligeti: 3 Phantasien nach Friedrich Hölderlin: No. 3, Abendphantasie on Ligeti: Lux æterna and Other Vocal Works by György Ligeti, Groupe Vocal De France & Guy Reibel
Ligeti: Éjszaka, reggel: II. Reggel. "Már üti üti már" on Ligeti: Lux æterna and Other Vocal Works by György Ligeti, Groupe Vocal De France & Guy Reibel
Ligeti: Pápainé on Ligeti: Lux æterna and Other Vocal Works by György Ligeti, Groupe Vocal De France & Guy Reibel
Ligeti: Kállai kettős on Ligeti: Lux æterna and Other Vocal Works by György Ligeti, Groupe Vocal De France & Guy Reibel

Track list and 30sec audio provided by


Title Artist Year Type
Douze Inventions En Six Modes De JeuGuy Reibel2015Album
String Quartets 1 & 2 - Lux Aeterna - Ramifications - Choral Works - Six BagatellesGyörgy Ligeti - Artemis Quartett, Groupe Vocal De France, Guy Reibel2010Album
Chœurs ImaginairesGuy Reibel2000Album
Rabelais Ou La Naissance Du VerbeGuy Reibel1995Album
Granulations-Sillages — Franges Du Signe — Signal Sur BruitGuy Reibel1994Album
Oeuvres Vocales: Lux Aeterna, Etc.György Ligeti - Groupe Vocal De France, Guy Reibel1990Album
Lux Aeterna And Other Vocal WorksGyörgy Ligeti - Groupe Vocal De France, Guy Reibel1990Album
BabyloneAlain Moëne - Ensemble Vocal Et Instrumental / Guy Reibel1987Album
Langages ImaginairesGuy Reibel1983Album
Messe - Lys De MadrigauxMaurice Ohana, Guy Reibel, Chœur de Radio France1983Album
Variations En Étoile / Deux Études Aux Modulations / Suite Pour Edgar PoeGuy Reibel1979Album
Granulations-Sillages / Franges Du SigneGuy Reibel1978Album
Carnet De Notes 39Henri Dutilleux, Guy Reibel, Darius Milhaud, Joseph Bodin de Boismortier1974Single
Carnet De Notes 36Betsy Jolas, Marcel Mihalovici, Guy Reibel1972Single
Carnet de Notes 32Guy Reibel, Girolamo Arrigo, Darius Milhaud, André Jolivet1970Single
À Mille Et Une VoixGuy Reibel1969Album
Solfège De L'Objet SonorePierre Schaeffer & Guy Reibel1967Album
Shadoks / Voix Inouïes / Variations En Étoile / MédisancesRobert Cohen-Solal / Edgardo Cantón / Guy Reibel / Beatriz FerreyraAlbum
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