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Album Cover
György Szabados
Homoki Zene

Album HU 1991 on Adyton label
Jazz and Classical (Free Jazz, Free Improvisation)

Recording Date: probably 1991 Recorded at: Szombathely Modern Gallery, Szombathely, Hungary Post-production at: Tom-Tom Studió Recorded with DAT recording technique

PortraitGyörgy Szabados p, 1939-2011 HU
composed by, piano, leader, liner notes, edited by, album by
PortraitIstván Grencsó ts,
alto saxophone
PortraitBicskei Zoltán ,
design, drawings
PortraitAttila Lörinszky cb, b, voc, cwb,
double bass
PortraitRóbert Benkő cb,
double bass, cello
PortraitTamás Geröly dr, perc,
PortraitVaskó Zsolt ss,
piccolo flute, recorder, soprano saxophone, jew's harp, flute
PortraitDresch Mihály sax, *1955 US
soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, recorder
PortraitMákó Miklós tr,
PortraitFerenc Kovács vn, tr,
trumpet, violin
Dankánics Iván
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1DaybreaksGyörgy Szabados9:43
2Gods On The HortobágyGyörgy Szabados16:38
3Iron / Homage A StravinskyGyörgy Szabados7:09
4Fata Morgana / Homage A LutoslawskyGyörgy Szabados8:51
5Grazing Horses / Homage A KurosawaGyörgy Szabados5:43
6Dead Bird / Homage A ShostakovichGyörgy Szabados5:57
7Stagnant Water / Homage A BartókGyörgy Szabados10:04
8Sky / Homage A HamvasGyörgy Szabados10:42
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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