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Album Cover
Hans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress

Album US 2015 on Deepdig Records label

West Coast guitarist Hans Ottsen delves into the jazz trio setting with New York cohorts Drew Gress and Don Peretz. Navigation (ddr-105) pilots through creative standard formats such as Olive Stings You Arm, based on All The Things You Are, to original and cover material based on modern popular song form with progressive improvisation. Navigation pushes the context boundaries of the modern jazz guitar trio.

PortraitHans Ottsen g, US
guitar, album by
PortraitDon Peretz dr,
drums, producer, album by
PortraitDrew Gress b, cb, *1959 US
acoustic bass, album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Jonathan CooperHans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress6:52
2You Choose BluesHans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress5:10
3NavigationHans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress7:15
4All I Have To Do Is DreamHans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress6:03
5SquealarHans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress5:35
6Shea's DreamHans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress3:45
7Olive Stings You ArmHans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress5:20
8Message In A BottleHans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress5:48
9SesquialteraHans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress5:20
10Zoë's LullabyHans Ottsen Featuring: Don Peretz, Drew Gress4:51
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