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Album Cover

Album DE 2014 on Hardfloor label
Electronic (Acid, Electro)

© Upright Songs 2014 ℗ made in the e.u. / gema Limited to 100 handnumbered copies (free text field on the centre label of side A: Mad Limited (printed text) # XXX / 100 (handwritten text).

PortraitHardfloor , *1991 DE
album by
PortraitOliver Bondzio , *1967 DE
written by, producer, created and realized by
PortraitRamon Zenker b, *1968 DE
written by, producer, created and realized by
Sellout Industries artwork
Carsten Dämbkes mastered by
Dynamik Bass System remix
Thomas Werner remix, producer, additional production
Egyptian Lover remix
Greg Broussard remix, producer, additional production
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1P.E.L.F (Hardfloor Vs. DBS Feat. The Egyptian Lover Version)Hardfloor6:59
2P.E.L.F. (Dynamik Bass System Remix)Hardfloor4:42
3Passion Ecstasy Lust Fantasy (Egyptian Lover Remix)Hardfloor6:26

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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