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Album Cover
Harold Rome, Cast Of "I Can Get It For You Wholesale"
I Can Get It For You Wholesale

Album US 1962 on Columbia Masterworks label
Soundtrack (Musical)

PortraitHarold Rome voc, 1908-1993 US
music by, lyrics by, album by
PortraitCast Of "I Can Get It For You Wholesale" ,
album by
PortraitPeter Howard ,
arranged by, incidental music
PortraitLehman Engel voc, 1910-1982 US
music director, arranged by, vocal arrangements
PortraitSid Ramin sax, p, *1919 US
orchestrated by
PortraitSid Ramin And His Orchestra ,
performer on track
PortraitBarbra Streisand voc, *1942 US
performer on track
PortraitElliott Gould , *1938 US
performer on track
PortraitMarilyn Cooper voc, 1934-2009 US
performer on track
PortraitElliott Gould , Sheree North , Barbara Monte , William Reilly ,
performer on track
PortraitLillian Roth voc, 1910-1980 US
performer on track
PortraitLillian Roth , Elliott Gould , Marilyn Cooper , Harold Lang , Bambi Linn ,
performer on track
PortraitBarbra Streisand , Marilyn Cooper , Bambi Linn , Elliott Gould , Harold Lang , Kenneth Le Roy ,
performer on track
PortraitKenneth Le Roy voc, *1927 US
performer on track
PortraitSteve Curry , Elliott Gould , Lillian Roth , Bambi Linn , Kenneth Le Roy ,
performer on track
PortraitHarold Lang voc, 1920-1985 US
performer on track
PortraitBarbra Streisand , Kelly Brown , James Hickman , Luba Lisa , Wilma Curley ,
performer on track
Curtis F. Brown liner notes
Jerome Weidman liner notes
Friedman-Abeles photography by
Goddard Lieberson producer
Harold Rome
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Overture / I'm Not A Well ManHarold Rome, Cast Of "I Can Get It For You Wholesale"
2OvertureSid Ramin And His Orchestra
3I'm Not A Well ManBarbra Streisand
4The Way Things AreElliott Gould
5When Gemini Meets CapricornMarilyn Cooper
6Momma, Momma, MommaElliott Gould
7The Sound Of MoneyElliott Gould , Sheree North , Barbara Monte , William Reilly
8Too SoonLillian Roth
9The Family WayLillian Roth , Elliott Gould , Marilyn Cooper , Harold Lang , Bambi Linn
10Who Knows?Marilyn Cooper
11Ballad Of The Garment TradeBarbra Streisand , Marilyn Cooper , Bambi Linn , Elliott Gould , Harold Lang , Kenneth Le Roy
12Have I Told You Lately?Kenneth Le Roy
13A Gift TodaySteve Curry , Elliott Gould , Lillian Roth , Bambi Linn , Kenneth Le Roy
14Miss MarmelsteinBarbra Streisand
15A Funny Thing HappenedMarilyn Cooper
16What's In It For Me?Harold Lang
17Eat A Little SomethingLillian Roth
18What Are They Doing To Us Now?Barbra Streisand , Kelly Brown , James Hickman , Luba Lisa , Wilma Curley
External Links
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