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Album Cover
Hector Berlioz - Lorin Maazel, The Cleveland Orchestra
Symphonie Fantastique

Album US 2003 on Telarc label
Classical (Romantic)

Total Playing Time: 48:35 *** Technical Information *** Recorded in Severance Hall, Cleveland on May 10, 1982 Microphones: Schoeps Colette Series Recorder: Soundstream Digital Tape Recorder Console: Neotek Monitor Speakers: ADS Model 1530 bi-amplified, ADS Model C2000 Crossover Power Amplifiers: Threshold Model 4000 Interconnecting Cables: Audio-Technica Control Room Acoustic Treatment: Sonex from illburck/usa During the recording of the digital masters and the subsequent transfer to disc, the entire audio chain was transformerless. The signal was not passed through any processing device (i.e., compression, limiting, or equalization) at any step during production. Sampling frequency conversion to Telarc's Soundstream digital master to the Compact Disc format was accompplished with the Studer SFC-16 sampling frequency converter. The digital information was not subject to any analog intersteps, thus preserving the integrity of the original digital master.

PortraitHector Berlioz , 1803-1869 FR
album by
PortraitLorin Maazel vn, 1930-2014 US
conductor, album by
PortraitThe Cleveland Orchestra ,
orchestra, album by
Ray Kirschensteiner art direction
Jack Renner engineer, recording
Steven Ledbetter liner notes
Ralph Marshall photography by, cover
Elaine Martone producer, production assistance
Ronald Whitaker producer, production assistance
Robert Woods producer, recording
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Reveries. Passions (Dreams, Passions): Largo - Allegro Agitato E Appassionato Assai - Tempo I - ReligiosamenteHector Berlioz - Lorin Maazel, The Cleveland Orchestra12:41
2Un Bal (A Ball): Valse: Allegro Non TroppoHector Berlioz - Lorin Maazel, The Cleveland Orchestra6:00
3Scène Aux Champs (Scene In The Country): AdagioHector Berlioz - Lorin Maazel, The Cleveland Orchestra16:30
4Marche Au Supplice (March To The Scaffold): Allegretto Non TroppoHector Berlioz - Lorin Maazel, The Cleveland Orchestra4:02
5Songs D'une Nuit Du Sabbat (Dream Of The Witches' Sabbath): Larghetto - Allegro - Allegro Assai - Allegro - Lontano - Ronde Du Sabbat - Dies IraeHector Berlioz - Lorin Maazel, The Cleveland Orchestra9:21
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