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Album Cover
Henning Christiansen
Kirkeby Und/Og/And Edvard Munch, Op. 139 (1981)

Album DE 1982 on Weltmelodie label
Classical (Contemporary)

All titles are listed in German, Danish and English, on the sleeve as well as on the center labels. Also Christiansen announces the titles of the pieces in these three languages at the beginning of each track.

PortraitHenning Christiansen voc, 1932-2008 DK
composed by, voice, album by
PortraitHans Andersen tu,
Per Kirkeby painting, cover painting
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Durch Kirkebys Tor / Gennem Kirkeby's Port / Through Kirk'by's GateHenning Christiansen
2Promenade Auf Dem "Karl Johann" / Promenade På "Karl Johann" / A Walk Down "Karl Johann Street"Henning Christiansen
3Kirkebys Damengesang / Kirkeby's Damesang / Kirk'by's Queen-songHenning Christiansen
4Venerische Frau / Venerisk Kvinde / Venereal WomanHenning Christiansen
5Kirkebys Raum / Kirkeby's Rum / Kirk'by's SpaceHenning Christiansen
6Jagd Auf Den Kritiker / Jagt På Kritikeren / Hunting The CriticHenning Christiansen
7Kirkeby Und Weltuntergang / Kirkeby Og Verdens Undergang / Kirk'by And The End Of The WorldHenning Christiansen
8Lebenstanz / Livets Dans / The Dance Of The LifeHenning Christiansen
9Kirkebys Staket / Kirkeby's Stakit / Kirk'by's RailingHenning Christiansen
10"Ich Male Nicht Das Was Ich Sehe, Sondern Das Was Ich Sah" / "Jeg Maler Ikke Det Jeg Ser, Men Det Jeg Så" / "I Do Not Paint What I Have Seen, But What I Saw"Henning Christiansen
11"Ich Bin Der Gefangene Der Malerei" / "Jeg Er Maleriets Fange" / "I Am The Prisoner Of Painting"Henning Christiansen
12"Sein Abscheuerregendes Portrait Einer Schwarzgekleideten Dame" / "Hans Indtil Det Afskrækende Portræ Af En Sortklæt Dame" / "A Terrible Painting, A Bad Painting By Edvard Munch"Henning Christiansen
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