Hideomi Kuroiwa -- Japanese conductor Born in Tokyo, Hideomi Kuroiwa entered the prestigious Toho Gakuen School of Music, studying conducting under the late Hideo Saito. During that time, he distinguished himself with a wide range of activities - conducting the school orchestra, appearing on stage, in the media (including on NHK Television as a violist) and performing as pianist in many concerts. After graduating in 1965, he was featured as ‘young artist of the year' on NHK television. In that same year, he made a decision to become a monk, and led a life in a monastery until 1975. It was there that he devoted himself into the study of theology, philosophy, latin, Gregorian chant, polyphony, and conducted and composed liturgical music. In 1976, Mr. Kuroiwa returned to the classical music world and after conducting the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra was hailed as “a new star showing quality that has not been seen for a long while.” In order to pursue further studies, he participated as Koussevitzky Memorial Fellowship Conductor at the Berkshire Music Centre in the summer of 1978. Mr. Kuroiwa has appeared regularly in subscription concerts with most major orchestras across Japan, such as the Kansai Philharmonic, Sapporo Symphony, Nagoya Philharmonic, Kyushu Symphony.