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Album Cover
Ibro Selmanović
Kom' Je Teže, Tebi Ili Meni / Nek' Se Drugi Vole

Album 1984 on Sarajevo Disk label
Folk (Folk)

Printing: 6,000 copies ("Tiraž: 6.000" on labels). Track B2 title misspelt on labels (missing commas): "BRZO SI ME DRAGA ZABORAVILA". Track A1 title written without apostrophe on label: "NEK SE DRUGI VOLE" that is also correct.

PortraitIbro Selmanović bvoc,
album by
PortraitJužni Vetar ,
Kemal Hadžić design, photography by
Miodrag Ilić engineer, producer
Sava Bojić engineer, producer
Slobodan Radošević executive-producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Nek' Se Drugi VoleIbro Selmanović4:03
2Drugovi, DrugoviIbro Selmanović3:26
3Što Ne Mogu Da Te ZaboravimIbro Selmanović4:13
4Dođi I Reci Svoju TajnuIbro Selmanović3:24
5Kom' Je TežeIbro Selmanović3:54
6Brzo Si Me, Draga, ZaboravilaIbro Selmanović3:10
7Ne Ljuti Se Što Pitam Za TebeIbro Selmanović4:22
8Zapalila Si Vatru U Duši MojojIbro Selmanović
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