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Album Cover
Indrek Spungin
Lahtise Peaga Ahvinäoga Poiss

Album EE 2016 on Mortimer Snerd label
Rock, Spoken Word, Folk, World and (Acoustic, Poetry, Folk)

Emale 67. sünnipäevaks! (For My Mother's 67th Birthday!) Includes a 16 page booklet.

PortraitIndrek Spungin voc,
written by, vocals, instruments, album by
Elina Kasesalu photography, design
Heikki Tikas recorded by
Martin Kikas recorded by, mixed by, mastered by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Lahtise Peaga Ahvinäoga Poiss Ja Kägu Ehk Kuidas Rähn Endale Põrutuskindla Pea SaiIndrek Spungin
2UniIndrek Spungin
3ÖökullIndrek Spungin
4See, Kes Seemnest Elu Tahab SaadaIndrek Spungin
5Nii Hämaras Lendab MehiIndrek Spungin
6KevadeIndrek Spungin
7Ei Ole ArmuIndrek Spungin
81917Indrek Spungin
9Ühes Eesti LinnasIndrek Spungin
10Su Ema Oli Nõukogude Liidu Esimene KrishnaiitIndrek Spungin
11MozartIndrek Spungin
12AedIndrek Spungin
13Hei, Tüdruk!Indrek Spungin
14VeroncIndrek Spungin
15 Mul Ei Ole Midagi Selga PannaIndrek Spungin

30sec audio samples provided by

External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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