World and Folk
Discogs notice: This artist does not refer to a specific group of named individuals (such as a band or musical group) but rather defines the collective term for a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic regions of Canada, Greenland, Russia and Alaska. Please use this "artist" name (or any language variation thereof, via an ANV) for Eskimo, Eskimos, Esquimaux, Inupiat, Inuit, Innuits, Inouits, Inupiks, Tuniit, Yupik people.
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
Tuhaalruuqtut. Эскимосы. Песни Народов Крайнего Севера | Inuit | 2006 | Compil. |
Songs Of The Nunamiut: Historical Recordings Of An Alaskan Eskimo Community | Inuit | 1998 | Album |
Inuit Iglulik | Inuit | 1993 | Compil. |
Chants Et Tambours Inuit De Thulé Au Détroit De Béring | Inuit | 1988 | Compil. |
Canada - Music Of The Inuit: The Copper Eskimo Tradition | Inuit | 1985 | Album |
Inuit Games And Songs / Chants Et Jeux Des Inuit Canada | Inuit | 1978 | Album |
An Anthology Of North American Indian And Eskimo Music | Native Americans In Тhe United States - Inuit | 1973 | Compil. |
Eskimo Songs From Alaska | Inuit recorded on St. Lawrence Island by Miriam C. Stryker edited by Charles Hofmann | 1966 | Album |
The Eskimos Of Hudson Bay And Alaska | Inuit - Laura Boulton | 1954 | Album |
The Eskimos Of Hudson Bay And Alaska | Inuit - Laura Boulton | Album | |
The Inuit (Eskimos) Of The Arctic Circle Vol. 2 | Inuit | Album |
Inüit FR Electronic and Pop |