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Album Cover
Iron Savior
Megatropolis 2.0

Album 2015 on AFM Records label
Rock (Heavy Metal)

Tracks 1 to 8 and 10 are a remixed, remastered and partly re-recorded version of the "Megatropolis" album. Tracks 9 and 11 are bonus tracks, even if not mentioned anywhere on release. The original version of Track 9 was a bonus track on the Limited Edition of Megatropolis. Recorded, mixed and engineered at Powerhouse, Hamburg, Germany in February 2007 Drums recorded at HammerMusic, Brackel, Germany in January 2007 Re-recordings, additional recordings and 2.0 remixes at Powerhouse, Hamburg, Germany in February 2015

PortraitIron Savior , *1996 DE
album by
PortraitJan-S. Eckert b, *1965 DE
bass guitar, backing vocals, band, iron savior are
PortraitYenz Leonhardt b, voc, *1961 DK
bass guitar, backing vocals, band, iron savior are, lyrics by
PortraitThomas Nack dr, perc, bvoc, *1969 DE
drums, percussion, band, iron savior are
PortraitJoachim Küstner g, bvoc,
guitar, backing vocals, band, iron savior are, music by
PortraitPiet Sielck g, voc, DE
guitar, lead vocals, band, iron savior are, producer, produced by, remix, 2.0 remixes, recorded by, additional recordings, recorded by, re-recordings, recorded by, mixed by, engineer, engineered by, written by, all music and lyrics by
Iron Savior co-producer, co-produced by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Running RiotIron Savior4:48
2The Omega ManIron Savior5:01
3FleshIron Savior4:56
4MegatropolisIron Savior4:56
5Cybernatic QueenIron Savior4:55
6Cyber HeroIron Savior5:16
7A Tale From Down BelowIron Savior4:57
8Still I BelieveIron Savior4:34
9HammerdownIron SaviorYenz Leonhardt4:00
10Farewell And Good ByeIron Savior5:53
11 Iron WatcherIron Savior4:41

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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