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István Németh


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A fenyes nap imman elnyugodott (The radiant sun has already gone down) on Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music, Vol. 7 - Folk Music of Moldavia and Bukovina by Maria Domokos & István Németh
Felkelek en jo reggel hajnalba (I got up early in the morning) on Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music, Vol. 7 - Folk Music of Moldavia and Bukovina by Maria Domokos & István Németh
Jere ki, szuvem (Come on, dearest) on Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music, Vol. 7 - Folk Music of Moldavia and Bukovina by Maria Domokos & István Németh
Ludasim, pajtasim (Goose-girls, my friends, where are my geese?) on Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music, Vol. 7 - Folk Music of Moldavia and Bukovina by Maria Domokos & István Németh
Hej pava, hej pava (Ay, peacock, peacock) on Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music, Vol. 7 - Folk Music of Moldavia and Bukovina by Maria Domokos & István Németh
Cifra bunda szegre van akasztva (The fancy felt cloak is hanging on the nail) on Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music, Vol. 7 - Folk Music of Moldavia and Bukovina by Maria Domokos & István Németh
Ej de csillag, csillag, de szep hajnali csillag (Ay, star, star, beautiful morning star) on Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music, Vol. 7 - Folk Music of Moldavia and Bukovina by Maria Domokos & István Németh
Elmenek en a varosba (I went to the city) on Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music, Vol. 7 - Folk Music of Moldavia and Bukovina by Maria Domokos & István Németh
Siralmas volt nekem vilagra szuletnem (It is lamentable that I was born into this world) on The Hungarian Musical Mother Tongue by István Németh & Balint Sarosi
Eszte nalunk e faluba (In our village in the evening) on Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music, Vol. 7 - Folk Music of Moldavia and Bukovina by Maria Domokos & István Németh

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Title Artist Year Type
Muravidéki Magyar Népzene (Prekmurska Madžarska Ljudska Glasba = Hungarian Folk Music Of The Mura Region)Katalin Paksa, István Németh2018Album
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