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Album Cover
J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson Pitcher
Of Great And Mortal Men: 43 Songs For 43 U.S. Presidencies

Album US 2008 on Standard Recording Company label
Rock, Folk, World and (Indie Rock, Experimental, Acoustic, Folk)

Packaging is in the form of a 6 1/2" by 6 1/2" paperback book, containing full lyrics for each song, accompanied by an illustration of the president it represents, as well as introductory notes and full musician and artist credits.

PortraitJ. Matthew Gerken bvoc,
album by, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, organ, lead vocals, backing vocals, co-producer, music by, lyrics by, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, organ, backing band, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, bass, recorded by, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, lead vocals, backing vocals, cymbal, co-producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, acoustic bass, lead vocals, harmony vocals, bass, recorded by, harmony vocals, chorus, guitar, co-producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, lead vocals, harmony vocals, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, harmony vocals, recorded by, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, lead vocals, harmony vocals, double bass, percussion, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, lead vocals, tambourine, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, harmony vocals, tambourine, producer, recorded by, lyrics by, music by, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, lead vocals, harmony vocals, bass, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, lead vocals, harmony vocals, double bass, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, guitar, bass, recorded by, lyrics by, music by, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, lead vocals, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, vocals, bass, recorded by, lyrics by
PortraitChristian Kiefer , US
album by, guitar, lap steel guitar, vocals, producer, music by, lyrics by, piano, backing vocals, co-producer, piano, harmony vocals, recorded by, banjo, vocals, organ, percussion, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, banjo, lead vocals, harmony vocals, drums, organ, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, piano, co-producer, harmony vocals, percussion, co-producer, recorded by, guitar, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, slide guitar, banjo, mandolin, vocals, producer, recorded by, music by, guitar, percussion, harmony vocals, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, percussion, banjo, lap steel guitar, guitar, harmony vocals, co-producer, recorded by, vocals, guitar, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, piano, electric guitar, recorded by, tenor banjo, vocals, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, organ, harmony vocals, recorded by, acoustic guitar, harmony vocals, percussion, producer, recorded by, artwork by, music by, lyrics by, keyboards, sampler, percussion, guitar, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, piano, acoustic guitar, percussion, tenor banjo, producer, recorded by, glockenspiel, co-producer, recorded by, piano, vocals, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, piano, organ, harmony vocals, recorded by, piano, harmony vocals, rhythm guitar, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, piano, organ, recorded by, rhythm guitar, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, harmony vocals, dulcimer, lead guitar, co-producer, recorded by, vocals, accordion, tenor banjo, guitar, drum machine, percussion, keyboards, organ, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by
PortraitJefferson Pitcher g, voc,
album by, electric guitar, guitar, lead vocals, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, guitar, vocals, producer, artwork by, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, guitar, lead vocals, co-producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, lyrics by, music by, guitar, harmony vocals, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, guitar, lead vocals, shaker, co-producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, lead guitar, recorded by, guitar, vocals, singing bowls, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, guitar, vocals, co-producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, guitar, vocals, percussion, co-producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, guitar, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, mandolin, guitar, vocals, producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, electric guitar, backing vocals, co-producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by, producer, music by, lyrics by, vocals, recorded by, lyrics by
PortraitJohn Baccigaluppi , US
PortraitJohn Gutenberger b,
PortraitMike Curry dr, US
PortraitJason Roberts ,
electric guitar, rhythm guitar
PortraitAndrew Dost voc,
flugelhorn, recorded by, flugelhorn, trumpet, recorded by
PortraitFran Mironchik fl,
PortraitKeenan Bird ,
PortraitVincent Di Fiore tr, bvoc, *1963 US
trumpet, recorded by
PortraitDamian Sol ,
violin, violin, recorded by
PortraitDan Paul Ryan ,
acoustic bass, percussion, recorded by, music by
PortraitDustin Hamman ,
acoustic guitar, vocals, percussion, recorded by, music by
PortraitJesse Elliott ,
acoustic guitar, vocals, percussion, recorded by, music by
PortraitChad Wilson eb, b,
PortraitGreg Aaron ,
PortraitStuart Thomas ,
PortraitAndrew Enberg ,
drums, drums, recorded by
PortraitJames Finch Jr. dr, b, voc, g,
acoustic bass
PortraitJeremy Hughes ,
PortraitMarla Hansen vl,
lead vocals, viola
PortraitScott Leftridge ,
bass, recorded by, piano, organ
PortraitTim Rutili g, US
guitar, vocals, vocals, guitar, keyboards
PortraitBen Massarella dr, perc, US
percussion, percussion, drum machine
PortraitJoe Adamik dr, *1972 US
percussion, drum machine, keyboards
PortraitJim Becker ,
violin, keyboards
PortraitBill Callahan voc, g, *1966 US
PortraitMonahans , *2006 US
arranged by
PortraitBritton Beisenherz b,
bass, piano, recorded by
PortraitRoberto Sanchez perc, voc, ES
PortraitJim Fredley ,
PortraitGreg Vanderpool voc, g, US
guitar, vocals
PortraitSimon Ennis ,
PortraitTim Metz ,
PortraitJeff Alkire as,
alto saxophone
PortraitStephen Yerkey voc, g, *1950 US
lead vocals
PortraitReid MacLean ,
lead vocals, harmony vocals
PortraitJames Toth voc, g,
vocals, recorded by
PortraitJessica Toth voc, key,
vocals, recorded by
PortraitJeff Kapellas ,
flute, baritone saxophone, baritone saxophone, flute
PortraitMichael Madden ,
piano, organ
PortraitHeather Phillips ,
harmony vocals
PortraitTetuzi Akiyama acg, eg, g, *1964
PortraitJohn Horton g,
lap steel guitar
PortraitChris Grabau voc, g,
lead vocals, keyboards, recorded by
PortraitDean Haakenson voc, acg,
lead vocals
PortraitChip Conrad ,
percussion, snare
PortraitJamie Stewart voc, g,
vocals, recorded by
PortraitJeremy Pagan eg,
acoustic guitar
PortraitGarin Casaleggio dr,
PortraitAlex Wilson b, key,
electric piano
PortraitSteven Kattenbraker ,
PortraitJim Putnam g, voc, US
guitar, vocals, percussion, bass, co-producer, recorded by, arranged by
PortraitRon Guensche b,
bass, recorded by
PortraitDenison Witmer voc, acg, *1976 US
vocals, recorded by
PortraitMark Kozelek voc, g, *1967 US
lead guitar
PortraitAlan Sparhawk voc, g, US
lead vocals
PortraitSteve Dawson voc, US
vocals, acoustic guitar, co-producer, recorded by, music by, lyrics by
PortraitTom Carter g, US
lead guitar
PortraitRichard Nixon voc, 1913-1994 US
PortraitJoaquin McPeek perc,
PortraitRosie Thomas voc, p, g, *1978 US
PortraitCalifone , *1997 US
arranged by
Ryan Marganti art direction, design
Christian Kiefer executive producer, mixed by, booklet editor, recorded by, co-producer, mixed by, recorded by
David MacMichael liner notes
Eric Broyhill mastered by
J. Matthew Gerken recorded by
Jefferson Pitcher recorded by
Robert Cheek recorded by
Clifford Roelle artwork by
Rob Fisk artwork by
Heather Phillips backing vocals
Keri Smith artwork by
Christa Dalien artwork by
Helena Keeffe artwork by
Christine Castro artwork by
Jim McGranahan recorded by
Penelope Dullaghan artwork by
Gregory Page recorded by
Natasha Robinson artwork by
Jeremy Kalgreen artwork by
Rob Halverson recorded by
Jason Sinclair Long artwork by
Milton Mapes producer
Matthew McCord artwork by
Steve Lambert artwork by
Shari Elf artwork by
Jen Corace artwork by
Matthew Passmore artwork by
Scott Kattenbraker artwork by
Andrea Scher-Passmore artwork by
Erik Werner artwork by
Danny Gregory artwork by
Brian Biggs artwork by
Julia Schwadron artwork by
Jeana Baumgardner artwork by
Chris Wisnia artwork by
Josh Schramm artwork by
Eun-Ha Paek artwork by
Anthony Dihle artwork by
Laura Edmisten artwork by
Kevin Scalzo artwork by
Bart Woodstrup artwork by
Rama Hughes artwork by
Kurt Lightner artwork by
Maureen Gubia artwork by, artwork
Aaron Prellwitz recorded by
Peter Arkle artwork by
Cynthia Yardley artwork by
Ralph Tepel artwork by
Mike Bullock artwork by
Trystan Bates artwork by
Bryce Chambers recorded by
Camilla Engman artwork by
Marissa Tamari artwork by
Kevin Seconds artwork by
Nicole Roberts artwork by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1George Washington (Washington Dreams Of The Hippopotamus)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer4:21
2John Adams (Armed With Only Wit And The Vigor Of The U.S. Navy)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken3:44
3Thomas Jefferson (The Mouldboard Of Least Resistance)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher4:52
4James Madison (Zinger)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer3:17
5James Monroe (The Last Cocked Hat)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken3:43
6John Quincy Adams (Death In The Speaker’s Room)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher5:11
7Andrew Jackson (Benevolence)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer3:39
8Martin Van Buren (The Little Magician)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken5:06
9William Henry Harrison (So You Don’t Have To)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher4:09
10John Tyler (Hindsight Falls On Deaf Ears)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer3:34
11James Knox Polk (The Other Is Better / The Language To Transform)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken6:02
12Zachary Taylor (Rough And Ready)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher4:09
13Millard Fillmore (The Proof Is In The Pudding)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer4:04
14Franklin Pierce (My Only Enemy Is Myself)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken2:22
15James Buchanan (God Will Strike You Down)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher4:04
16Abraham Lincoln (Malice, Charity, And The Oath Of God)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer5:27
17Andrew Johnson (Was Ever Alone?)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken3:51
18Ulysses Simpson Grant (Helicopters Above Oakland)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher4:51
19Rutherford Birchard Hayes (The Beard Of God)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer3:30
20James Abram Garfield (Seven Months)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken3:58
21Chester Alan Arthur (The Epitome Of Dignity)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher4:56
22Stephen Grover Cleveland (Bees And Honey)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer3:29
23Benjamin Harrison (Kid Gloves Hands Surplus To Big Sugar)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken2:31
24Stephen Grover Cleveland (Rubbermouth)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher3:52
25William McKinley (Czolgosz’s Dream)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer4:05
26Theodore Roosevelt (The Sherman Act Does Not Care)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken2:49
27William Howard Taft (There Was No Longer Use To Hide The Fact That It Was Gout)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher5:06
28Thomas Woodrow Wilson (A Life Among Men)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer3:41
29Warren Gamaliel Harding (An Army Of Pompous Phrases)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken4:52
30John Calvin Coolidge (On Silence)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher3:58
31Herbert Clark Hoover (Woe Is A Spoon-Shaped Heart)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer4:30
32Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Illuminating The Bright Lines)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken5:08
33Harry S. Truman (Suits And Fine Trousers Vs. Hiroshima)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher3:07
34Dwight David Eisenhower (When Ike Walked The Land)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer4:08
35John Fitzgerald Kennedy (There Is No Plan)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken5:53
36Lyndon Baines Johnson (Ladybird Take Me Home)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher, Steve Dawson3:17
37Richard Milhous Nixon (2 Under Par Off The Coast Of Africa)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer9:22
38Gerald Rudolph Ford (Now You See It, Now You Don’t See It)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken4:17
39James Earl Carter, Jr. (A Great Beam Of Light)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher4:31
40Ronald Reagan (Such A Marvelous Dream)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer5:05
41George Herbert Walker Bush (It Was Foreshadowed Here: The Beginning Of The End)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJ. Matthew Gerken2:57
42William Jefferson Clinton (The Mighty Lion Will Not Roar Again)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherJefferson Pitcher5:38
43George Walker Bush (Though The Night)J. Matthew Gerken, Christian Kiefer & Jefferson PitcherChristian Kiefer, J. Matthew Gerken, Jefferson Pitcher4:19
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