voc, 1921-2019 FR, Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine
Singer of Spoken Word and Pop
French singer, TV presenter and actor (born March 26th, 1921, Clichy-la-Garenne, dead March 9th, 2019, Dieulefit, France), husband of Micheline Dax and father of Véronique Bodoin. He became famous for his sketches wich became classics. In 1945 he was part of Compagnons de la Musique conducted by Louis Liebard. In cinema, he made a few appearances, including Le Viager (1971) or La Grande Vadrouille (1966), and also played Coco Lafleur's character in the series Vidocq (1967) . But he is best known for lending his voice to some colorful local characters (Lucky Luke - Daisy Town, 1972). In the 60's he married with french singer Micheline Dax and established on Méréville, l'Essonne.